Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The thin line between reality and fantasy

Mr. X is gone for good. I've deleted his phone numbers and e mail addresses so i won't be tempted to get in touch and hopefully I will think less about him if I get rid of these things. As part of my detoxing programme for ridding Mr. X from my life I've started chatting to another guy over the last few weeks. He's the morphine to my heroin addiction. In the past I haven't been successful going cold turkey, I'm hoping this approach will work.

I am girl and he is Sir, he's my usual type, married, older than I (49), successful business man with a great English accent, he actually has a great deep rich voice. In so many ways he's great and gets me and understands what it is his girl needs but in others I honestly think he's in cloud cookoo land. Ideally what he wants is for me to move over to London so it will make it easier for his to use me without too many questions from his wife. I'm not oppose to the idea, I've no ties in Dublin but i wouldn't just give up my life to be some married mans play thing.

He expects me to be able to cum on average of 10 times a day. At a push i might be able to accomplish this for one or two days but not everyday. He calls me in the morning, evening, at work, out with friends and expects that i can cum for him over the phone, it doesn't matter where i am. Sometimes i admit i enjoy it and the risk but not ALL the time. The final straw came today. I'm on a long bus journey on a busy bus, he instructed me to fuck my arse with a coke bottle. A COKE bottle, on a busy PUBLIC bus! Not to mention that i didn't have any lube to get something of that size up there. I think the line between fantasy and reality is blurred in his case, or is it just me? Have girls done this in the past, is it possible.

Also he expects that I'll be able to squirt buckets when i cum, again is that possible in real life and not just in some porn film. It's never happened for me yet!


Anonymous said...

Hi a.w.s., another thing we have in common; the detoxing (incl morphine to a heroin addiction) and attracting fabulously hot wackos.

Cookoo sounds like someone who has seen too many porn flicks indeed--ten times a day you say...*every* day? And a coke bottle in a bus. Wow. But an English accent? *swoon*

One of my detox guys (gorgeous voice too) wanted me to orgasm exactly *on the hour* from 6am til 10pm for a week, and e-mail him what I was thinking about *immediately* after. (He was married too.) He also expected me to hold my pee for over 15hrs while drinking a *lot* of water. I was 24 at the time and really thought I was a fuckup because I couldn't do that stuff.

After him came this (other) abnormal dude who did get my filthy insane needs, so just about the time when I began to consider his proposition to spend an abusive weekend at his place, he told me that the main event of this weekend would be tying me up and stuffing my cunt and ass with wriggly eels and that he was not willing to negotiate. (Even if he *had* been I was staying clear...)

It is very much like an addiction, isn't it? Makes you do cazy things sometimes, when you're in the right--or should I say wrong--mood. Hang in there a.w.s., you know how to--and please find yourself a worthy detox dude. ;)


Schlong said...

I am English, a businessman, filthy and demanding. Pushing a woman's boundaries excites me. And her.

If one Sir isn't enough to kick the habit, tell me on here and I will give you an address to email me.

Anonymous said...

Hi again aws,

T cum 10 times a day would take some doing alright….

a.w.s. said...

@sod - Thank you for your comment, its a relief to know someone else has had these issues. I agree it's a compulsion/addiction that isn't there all the time but when it take over no matter what i need that fix. I'll be honest I wish I wasn't like this and I wish I didn't need it but I do.

@schlong - When i said, my usual type, married, English. I don't seek out these men, they just seem to find me. I'd prefer if they weren't married then I'd have one less thing to feel guilty about. Thank you for your offer but for the moment my current Sir is more than demanding enough.

@Hi again Paolo, i'm glad someone else thinks 10x a day is more than a bit excessive. He requires I cum in sets of 3's. So basically I literally have just cum but I can't stop until i cum a further 2 times. I've only managed it twice which results in his demands making me feel like a failure because I can't meet them.